
Online crypto trading platform
My Deliverables
Responsive UIUX design,
3D Module Design,
User flow, Lo-fi & Hi-fi wireframe
Design System
Project Overview
In this project, my client needs to urgently launch a one-page event page for PC and H5 to engage users and boost activity. To attract more users to CryptoX, the platform is holding an event called "CryptoX Event: Invite Friends to Win USDT Mystery BOX!" This event encourages current users to invite their friends to join the platform and make a deposit or complete a spot trade. By doing so, both the inviter and the invitee will have the chance to open the mystery USDT box together.
Figma, Spline, Slack
Photoshop, illustration, After Effect, Premier Pro
3 days (May 2024)
Solo Project
Event Page UIUX Design
Boot more user
into CryptoX
Project goal
Boost more user activity by offering the chance to earn mystery USDT box.
User who interested to crypto trading
Target user
User who are likely to engage in trading activities regularly and have a network of friends or acquaintances interested in cryptocurrencies.
Business goal
Attract new users to sign up for the CryptoX platform and encourage both new and existing users to engage in trading activities.

& Color

Our Statistics

1. Share event link

In this project, I always ensure that the CTA is noticeable at first glance on the event page because it drives user engagement and conversions.

2. Get chance to earn USDT

Once the user who complete the mission, they can get the chance to open the USDT box.

3. Manage the mission

Once the user who complete the mission, they can get the chance to open the USDT box.

User flow of
different status

User Login and Mission Tracking

If the user is logged in, they can track their mission status. If not, there will be a login option.

Design system
and UI kits

Let's works together 🎉

Good things happen when you say Hi !
Contact Chu